[News] Rise in illegal trafficking of fossilised giant clam shells in the Philippines

Giant clams have been making the headlines in the last couple of months, but not in a good way. Numerous reports coming out of the Philippines (particularly, the Palawan region) regarding large seizures of illegally trafficked fossilised giant clam shells that are worth millions of dollars. According to MongaBay's article, the authorities have been receiving … Continue reading [News] Rise in illegal trafficking of fossilised giant clam shells in the Philippines

[Research Project] Informing conservation and management of giant clams in Southeast Asia supported by the Pew Marine Fellowship

All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.--- Walt Disney I can finally let the cat out of the bag (since the start of 2021)! Amid the global pandemic, I cannot be more grateful for this stunning recognition by the Pew Charitable Trusts of my research work with the … Continue reading [Research Project] Informing conservation and management of giant clams in Southeast Asia supported by the Pew Marine Fellowship

[Publication Alert] Giant clams’ tree of life

2021 is looking great for the giant clams 😉 After I graduated from my PhD, I started to ideate possible research questions pertaining to the giant clams. Funnily, one of my PhD supervisors jokingly had asked me what are my plans for these megafauna since I appeared to have already studied them "to death" during … Continue reading [Publication Alert] Giant clams’ tree of life

[Publication Alert] Giant clams at Sentosa

Finally, something about giant clams! 2020 has been a relatively 'quiet' year for me and my giant clams, as I focused on getting several manuscripts about them written and edited throughout the global pandemic. Hence, I'm excited to share this short piece with all, which will form the basis for a larger work brewing in … Continue reading [Publication Alert] Giant clams at Sentosa

[Lecture Talk] NUS Faculty of Science Webinar Series

The Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore had earlier organised a series of public webinars to share interesting research and pedagogical perspectives, featuring Faculty staff, Teaching staff, and Academic staff from Research Institutes (like myself!). Thanks to my alma mater, I had the opportunity to give a talk last mid-November 2020, with my talk … Continue reading [Lecture Talk] NUS Faculty of Science Webinar Series

[Publication Alert] The Pioneers, Provocateurs, Possibilists of Singapore as told by TEDxSingapore

In 2017, Dave Lim, the founder of TEDxSingapore invited me to join this pioneering TEDxSingapore book! After almost 3 years in the making and design, he announced that launch of this inaugural and limited-print book! Introducing... Pioneers, Provocateurs, Possibilists: Humans of Singapore This inaugural book is written by 27 global TED and TEDxSingapore speakers, in … Continue reading [Publication Alert] The Pioneers, Provocateurs, Possibilists of Singapore as told by TEDxSingapore

[Media Feature] Giant Clam Girl giving an interview on Channel 8 – Hello Singapore

Thanks to friends who recommended me for an interview with Channel 8's Hello Singapore latest segment called "都市野生" (City's Wildlife)! This episode would not have been possible with Melody and film crew, plus Richard - the citizen volunteer, for their efforts in making this interview possible! Although I have learnt Mandarin (as compulsory classes) for … Continue reading [Media Feature] Giant Clam Girl giving an interview on Channel 8 – Hello Singapore

[Lecture Talk] The Forgotten Giants on Ocean Geographic LIVE

The global COVID pandemic has most definitely accelerated the use of digital technology to keep abreast of news and to connect people more efficiently. It has also changed the dynamics of interactions between presenters and audience in vast manner. As a science communicator and speaker, I thrive on the energy and reactions from my audience … Continue reading [Lecture Talk] The Forgotten Giants on Ocean Geographic LIVE

[Media Feature] Photosymbiotic cockles of Singapore

After newly elected MP (i.e., member of the Parliament), Dr Jamus Lim of Sengkang GRC used the phrase "warmed the cockles of my heart" during his election speeches, I couldn't help but let out a laugh. Being a cockle scientist, it was the first time that I came across the use of this phrase, which … Continue reading [Media Feature] Photosymbiotic cockles of Singapore

[Lecture Talk] My Bold+Brilliant story on Singapore’s thriving marine life

This global COVID pandemic is an absolute mood-spoiler for 2020. Yet, there's so many things I am to be grateful for - my good health, my family's good health, and my job! I mean, honestly, in a climate like this, I feel very blessed that I can still keep my job which I love very … Continue reading [Lecture Talk] My Bold+Brilliant story on Singapore’s thriving marine life